
Showing posts from September, 2017

Getting Prepared for Gate 2019 from Gate Lectures by Ravindra Babu Ravula

I got to know about this course  6 months back. I used to be in confusion about whether to take a course or not. later on, I realized that it will be useful for me a lot.    As far as my case is concerned. Basically, I am self-learner. I used to think to take an offline course in any famed institute i.e  full-time course but later on, I used to realize that by taking a full-time course which will take roughly 30-40 days. if I lose my interest in any particular day or just in an hour. I will not be able to listen class so interestingly. so loosing my subject as well as my money occur simultaneously.  if I take this course, I will be able to listen to the class anytime anywhere. its a lot for me to use my time properly. even I am able to ask my doughts anywhere anytime. so I took the course. Also, it will be useful for me to strengthen my technical core skills. link to the ravindrababuravula website:  Ravindra...

Getting Started With Android

Getting Started with Android with free Documentation in the official website official Web site: android official website In That, You Find a New Free Official Course by Google in Collaboration with Udacity  You will Find a Full Interactive Course which can be understood by even the Complete Beginner. Course URL: Udacity free course by Google If you want to learn more about UI design you can refer to the free course  by Google URL: android course on user interface Also you will Can find an Online Visualiser For Getting Perfect With XML. URL: android XMLVisualiser